Aggressive Passionate Effective

Advocating for our clients since 1980

Experienced Criminal Defense Attorneys Serving
San Francisco, California and the Nation

For more than 40 years, John M. Runfola has provided aggressive representation to individuals, corporations and organizations in major federal and state criminal matters all over the United States, particularly in the Bay Area. The Law Offices of John M. Runfola has a proven track record of success that reflects the quality of our advocacy and dedication to achieving the most favorable outcome for our clients.

Our criminal defense practice is trusted and respected for many reasons – we put our clients first, we never forget the gravity of what is at stake for our clients and their families, and we prepare thoroughly, fear nothing, and fight to the end.

“The life of the law has not been logic. It has been experience.” – Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes.


Mr. Runfola has a deep commitment to justice, is keenly aware of the daunting task a defendant faces when accused of wrongdoing by the federal or state government and is willing to do everything in his power to aid the client in his or her fight.

Tireless Investigation & Preparation

Mr. Runfola founded the firm on the belief that cases are won based on the combination of the quality of the investigative efforts and the tireless attention to detail and preparation. Exhaustive research, investigation, and case preparation are the cornerstones of our practice.

You can expect that we will zealously represent your interests within the context of our ethical obligations. John Runfola has established a formidable reputation among court personnel, the bench, prosecutors, and adversaries of all kinds throughout the region as a tireless and highly respected criminal defense attorney.

What Our Clients Have To Say


John Runfola is what all lawyers should be. He is ethical, moral, able to work “the legal system” to my best advantage and his staff is excellent. Throughout my long case, I felt I had a friend and legal expert applying all of his experience, resources and unique communication abilities to the highest level for my benefit. I was very fortunate to have John as my attorney.


I would recommend John to anyone facing criminal charges. I introduced my Chinese speaking friends with me interpreting throughout the meetings and he showed utmost patience and caring for my friends. His knowledge, his skills are beyond outstanding. His defense with the district attorneys for our case started with three felonies and one misdemeanor charge and resulted in a dismissal! He is definitely a defense attorney highly recommend.

1.3 Billion Dollars Heroin Case
Not Guilty
The largest seizure of heroin in American history was shipped from the Golden Triangle of Asia to the Port of Oakland. U.S. Customs and the Drug Enforcement Administration tracked the shipment to a warehouse in Hayward, California.

Case Results

“Courage, for a lawyer, is essential; without it, the rest doesn’t count: talent, culture, knowledge of the law, everything is useful to the lawyer. But without courage, at the decisive moment, there are but words, sentences that follow each other, that dazzle then die. – Robert Badinter”

Mr. Runfola has over 40 years of experience representing individuals, corporations and organizations in an extensive variety of criminal cases . We have taken innumerable cases to trial and we have aggressively represented our clients at every stage of their case – including pre-charging, pre-arrest and before the media.

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